Tuesday, October 18, 2011

the natural history museum

today me and my class went on a trip to the natual history museum of natual history. we learned more about native americans and how they survived back then. i notised that native americans, chimps, and us, have simaler looking DNA! we learned how they lived, what they did and how they did. my idea from this lesson is, is the way they lived. why didn't they know as much as we know? i thought chips were very smart and intelligent.i came to this idea because, how did we get smarter all of a sudden? and we also suddenly started using electricity and stoped using our natual resources. every thing now is being bought at macy's or marshals! this can effect me because sooner or later every thing will get priced higher and there will be so much technlolagy that ther might not even be books,only robots. this can also evect the greater world because there can be oil spills all over th oceans and alot of smoke can be in the are bcause of factories and cigaretts.to much polution and you can say you're last goodbyes to the planet earth you know and love!!!