Friday, September 23, 2011

at pratt institute

when i was at pratt institute we learned why we stay in school and we should study very hard to get into a great college. we also have to pay attention to money. college cost a lot money and the ones that don't cost a lot aren't very good. once we get into middle school we can plan ahead and focus on what we will be when we grow up and what college is for you.the fun part is that we get to be invited back to pratt  to see plays and read, also we learned a song in sign languege. i was really sad because i was hoping for a tour to see all of pratt, but i got to admit it was a good college to go to.

coke or pepsi

i just don't know witch one to choose so please leave a comment and tell me witch one i should choose!!!???

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

me and these adorable kitties

my mom has a friend named Karen and almost every time she had a back yard stray cats and kitties are all ways back there. but ever since the big storm 4 kitties had been sick! poor cats. one day i went to Karen's home and she caught 2 kitties!!! one had a cold, and the other has a cold in its eye and a fever. they are so cute but i feel bad for them so i went to the vet with Karen and helped out. the vet said i was a big help. i  am a future vet. but the really bad thing about the kitties is that they have ring worm. don't worry it's just called that! they have to stay in the cage for 3 weeks. i think it's been 3 weeks all ready so...      and i have a picture of me and 1 of the kitties. well i think it's the end of the story. i will post more if i get in touch with Karen. please comment!!! thank you for reading.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

my fantastic summer vacation

my summer all started out with after school. my friend Oda asked me if i can go to the beach with her. my mom said i can go to the beach with her so i did. EVERYONE  was coming!!! Oda, Izzy, Grace, Nora, Remi , me and a couple more that i forget there names. it was so exiting to go with more than one person! we brought food and everything like popcorn, juice and even a boogie. but any way we didn't even used it we mostly body surfed. but an hour or so before we left there was a giant wave that was bigger than all of us. we tried to run but all of us go sucked under water. when we left my hair was horrible!!! i had pieces of jellyfish and sand on my scalp.  it took me i don't know like an hour to wash my hair and it still didn't come out. but when i woke up the next morning it was gone!!! most of the summer i woke up early in the morning and went to work with my mom. but it was a cool one. i got to baby sit a very smart one year old and an bald baby new born. but don't feel bad for me i didn't change their nappies, ever! then after that i went to the brooklyn bread cafe. but the best part is that my friend Izzy only lives like a block away. we would play out side on the second floor, but if it was to hot or cold we would stay inside and play or talk to her. but that was mostly my summer so bye. please rate!!!